Friday, May 23, 2008

Is increasing population really a curse?

Some days ago, I happened to read an article on internet which mentioned about the population situation of the country. Based on an analysis by a leading survey firm, it has been declared that in another 30 years, our country would surpass China in terms of number of people residing in each country. Presently, we are at 1.15 billion while China has reached 1.32 billion. However, over the past decade, the Chinese govt. has been following a stringent law which says about one-child norm for each couple. Talk about a law being stringent in India and the very word loses its relevance. As for the record, our govt. has also introduced two-child norm law but everyone, right from the bureaucrats to the common man, knows that this kind of practice is hardly adhered to anywhere in the country. Conscientiously speaking, a country as populous as ours is obviously going to face a lot many problems, the prominent ones being shortage of basic amenities, depriving of one’s rights and dwindling of stability on the whole.
Taking a brief tour of our present economic condition, we are booming at the moment with bullying rate. The GDP has already crossed 8% and the sensex has kissed an all-time high of 14,500 points. The forex reserves have crossed the $300 Billion mark. The corporate sector is enjoying the fruits like never before with everybody being in the expansion mode. The company owners are not stopping over patting their backs and at the same time, the investors are gushing over their good fortune. And, the good news is that this rate is not mere a momentary speculation and is only going to get better with time. But, while basking in this moment of glory, one just needs to take a reality check. Owing to increase in population and growing shortage of resources, the growth can face a steep decline and eventually burst down into fragments. This precisely has been the perspective from a common man as well as from majority of self-proclaimed experts’ point of view. People have been raving and ranting about this whole issue; politicians trying to politicize it as much as they can; NGOs belching and burping over it; panelists discussing the pseudo-pros and cons suitable to them and common man bawling over it in such a way that his life is going to cease the moment the population crosses the threshold.
With a country as vast as India (area-wise, ours is the seventh largest nation in the world), there are still huge acres of land left uninhibited. So, as far as dwelling problem of the ‘extra-population’ is concerned, it is inconsequential for atleast two centuries. That leaves survival of the common man as the lone aspect that needs to be addressed while considering this upcoming ‘curse’.
But, one just needs to hold on for sometime and think whether this problem is actually a curse or ‘a blessing in disguise’. Well, it may sound gibberish but this situation can be quantified in a different proposition, a proposition which, if thought sensibly, can prove fruitful and can actually come forward as the backbone for stupendous economic growth. Well, as a matter of fact, this factor is prevalent even in today’s times and needless to say, it is the basic ingredient for maintaining the present growth as well as ensuring the future ascent. What is being talked about is nothing but ‘Manpower’. Well, as far as skilled manpower in India is concerned, it is a well acknowledged fact that Indians are rated as one of the most skillful and brainy humans of the world. So, it is but natural that the younger folk presently waiting in the wings would take the center-stage and act as a catalyst to incrementing the already booming economy of the country. Now, the question arises where does this leave comparison with China? And, the reply is simply based on above made analysis. In another 30 years, India is going to surpass China in terms of manpower and, consequently, surge ahead in terms of development too. It seems unimaginable to think at this moment but every sensible and foresighted mind would agree to this fact that the situation currently being termed as a ‘danger’ is going to emerge as the most invaluable resource in the future.
Looking from a brighter perspective, all the blocks seem to fit in perfectly. But, a more minute observation shows that only the apex of the pyramid has been consolidated thus far and there is a lot of work left at the base lest the train of progress should slip off the rails. The basic foundations need to be stabilized in order to achieve what we have aspired for our nation. To put it practically, it is mandatory to serve and fulfill the basic needs of all the sections of the society. Then only, we can expect an enthusiastic and dying-to-excel youth brigade who shall take charge tomorrow to steer the whole country towards prosperity. The govt. needs to be more flexible in granting aids and providing facilities rather than maintaining obstinate nature and exploiting the whole population issue to suit themselves. The responsible authorities should consider this as their utmost priority to look at the brighter perspective with optimism and shun their vested interests. Such a responsible approach is the need of the hour if we really want to realize the dream of a “Developed India” and be Numero-Uno in every field we embark into.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

My experiences with BRT

Well.. its been a pretty long time since i last posted something. hopefully, 'll be a bit more regular from now on...

a lot has changed all these years.. from being an UG student to a real-time employee..!! from a hosteleir to a virtual wanderer, from a sedate person who's now striving to be more towards being aggressive..!!

all in all, life's been in the metamorphological phase in the enduring times, and owing to the cut-throat competition in contemporary world, one doesn't find a scope to complain, or does he?

anyways, as it's been a fresh resumption as far as my blogging is concerned, so i would prefer leaving the past behind and starting afresh.

well, I am based in Delhi these days.. and for the past coupla days, its been raining cats and dogs..continually though, but whenever it starts, life becomes all the more sucking for the daily commuters like me. as for instance, the other day, the bus I was travelling by was left stranded in the middle of an asphyxiating jam for close to two hours with lashing rains that were not at all willing to come to hold. and then chilly winds started blowing across as soon as the driver pressed the accelerator. I couldn't understand the speed with which he was driving the bus as if he had to cover a distance of 100 miles in 1 min..!! i'm pretty sure that even he would hav admitted afterwards that it was purely because of cumulative luck of the passengers of the bus that saw everybody reach their destination with all 206 bones intact..!!

Today also, though for a shorter stretch from Khanpur terminal to Pushpa Bhawan, but this 1 mile stretch seemed to bring with it hordes of vagaries that the bus commuters face all over India.. the new low floor buses plying on BRT tracks look pretty world class from outside and for a moment, it seems as if you are travelling in Europe, but once you are able to 'seep' through the doors, all these day-dreams are put to rest and one begins to doubt whether he had a stroke of somnambulism the previous moment..!! as for my experience, once I got inside the bus, unfortunately or rather mistakenly through the front door, I felt as if I was being greeted by whole Indian populace riding one above the other in a volume of 10 cubic metres!! n what's worse is that the conductor of these buses places himself right next to the rear door. The target was clear and the route was identified and I just had to repeat the heroics of Mihir Sen and cross the "Indian" channel if at all I wanted a legal place in the vehicle. somehow I happened to tread along the narrowest lane possible and eventually reached my destination. MISSION IMPOSSIBLE-I ACHIEVED..!! and then something horrendous struck my mind. I actually had to trace my steps back to the initial point wherefrom this mission had incepted.. 'n the condition had worsened even more after another set of artillery (passengers on the next stop) had been loaded by our captain (driver) in his LFB (Low Floor Bus)..!! anyhow, I started my sojourn, drove off a few bullets easily, even saw few of them passing by me from a sniffing distance, hit a few on the way and was finally successful in wading through the battlefield and reaching the safer ground..

And thus came the terminal where I had to get down.. As I boarded off the bus, I felt a sense of relief and the mellifluous trickling of rain drops from the heaven-top just proved as the icing on the cake.. the rain was no longer a bane, the winds were no longer spine-chilling, the petrichor was no longer stinky..!! and that's what mattered at last.. the feeling of having faced it, toiled hard and seen it through till the end..!!